Entries by Wolf Haven International

The Gift of the Christmas Goose

by Wendy Spencer, Director of Animal Care Wolf Haven International While many of us are eating Christmas dinner with family and friends, the wolves at the sanctuary enjoy a holiday feast of their own- a fully feathered Christmas goose! It started a few years ago when we received a call from a USDA Wildlife Services […]

Wolves aren’t the only animals that get tossed salmon!

In the Pacific Northwest, there are 137 different species that use salmon, or the marine derived nutrients they bring with them (a special isotope of Nitrogen that is otherwise not available to terrestrial organisms), when they come upstream to spawn. Bears, eagles, freshwater invertebrates, the vegetation around a stream, and even salmon fry (the point […]

Thanksgiving at Wolf Haven

An annual feast for wolves Kim Young, Director of Communications (portions of this article were originally posted in the Winter 2012/2013 issue Wolf Tracks magazine; it has been updated to reflect this year’s feast also) In keeping with tradition, Wolf Haven animal care staff carefully prepared a Thanksgiving turkey for our wolves. The raw birds […]

Scarecrows – a nonlethal deterrent

How is a Scarecrow like Fladry? Much like fladry is recommended in some instances as a nonlethal management tool to prevent predators from attacking livestock, scarecrows serve a similar purpose – to prevent corvids from “predating” on prairie plant plugs. For the past few years, the Center for Natural Lands Management (CNLM) has planted thousands […]