Exploring Careers

Explore the career positions at an animal sanctuary.

Life in a wolf family

Learn about the pack structure of a wolf family.

Wolf Facts

The basics about wolves

Listen to and watch wolves howling
Wolf Word Search/Búsqueda de Palabras de Lobo
What’s in a skull?

Find out what a skull can tell you about an animal.

Wolves of Washington

Wolves were eradicated from Washington state by 1940. In 2008, the first confirmed pack was found in the northeast Cascade Mountain range. Wolves returned to Washington on their own and now occupy part of their historical habitat here.

Wolves in the United States

Each state manages wolves differently.

Grazing livestock challenges

Grazing livestock on public land may seem like a simple thing to do.  In reality, there are many factors that make it a complex thing.

Wolf Range in North America: historical vs present
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