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  • Media Type: Activities
Exploring Careers

Explore the career positions at an animal sanctuary.

Wolf Word Search/Búsqueda de Palabras de Lobo
What’s in a skull?

Find out what a skull can tell you about an animal.

Compare and Contrast: Humans and wolves/Comparar y Contrastar: Humanos y Lobos

Humans and wolves may be very different, but there are some things we have in common.

Los humanos y los lobos pueden ser muy diferentes, pero hay algunas cosas que tenemos en común.


Wolf activity booklet for K & 1st grade

NGSS based wolf activity booklet for K & 1st graders.

Wolf activity booklet for 2nd & 3rd grade

NGSS based wolf activity booklet for 2nd & 3rd graders.

Wolf activity booklet for 4th & 5th grades

NGSS based wolf activity booklet for 4th & 5th graders.

Prairie activity booklet for 2nd grade

NGSS based prairie activity booklet for 2nd graders.

Grazing livestock challenges

Grazing livestock on public land may seem like a simple thing to do.  In reality, there are many factors that make it a complex thing.

Wolf Range in North America: historical vs present
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