
Wolf Haven offers a variety of educational presentations about wolves and their critical role in a healthy ecosystem, and advocates for wolves in the wild through partnerships and state advisory groups.

Nature and Arts Deficit

As schools increasingly focus on helping students achieve nationwide educational standards in math and English, subjects deemed less essential (science and art) are often removed from curriculum, taught at a later age, or not addressed at all. In our fast-paced technological world, young people are becoming increasingly disconnected from nature and as a result, may become adults with no regard for or knowledge of non-human species. And although perhaps only a small percentage of students grow up to become professional artists, the study of art in schools is critical to teaching larger communication skills through symbols, colors, imagery, and hands-on experience. Art connects us to a larger society and encourages new ways of seeing the world.

Wolf Haven’s Role

Wolf Haven bridges the existing education gap by providing science- and arts-based programs, as well as guided sanctuary and prairie walks, to groups of all ages and backgrounds. Our staff interact with students and teachers on and off site in both English and Spanish. We even offer interactive presentations via Zoom around the world, connecting with people in countries such as New Zealand and Japan. All of Wolf Haven’s educational programs meet Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and offer a balanced perspective that respects diverse stakeholders in the community.


Wolf Haven’s education program has grown to match the needs in schools over the years. Students are provided field journals with room to draw, write, and record their observations of the wolves. They are also given a chance to explore our native prairie and examine the importance of biodiversity. Most recently, Wolf Haven partnered with the Colorado State University to create hands-on wolf ecology kits that explore the history of wolves, hunting, family behavior, ecosystem roles, and more — all from the lens of a biologist. Wolf Haven continues to strive to create memorable educational experiences for students of all ages.

Check Out Our Educational Programs & Materials!



LEARN ABOUT WOLVES (Wolf Haven’s site for additional resources, lessons, games, and activities)

*to inquire about our available programs, please email; if you are ready to schedule your Wolf Haven educational experience, please click here.