Plants blooming on Wolf Haven’s prairie in… October?!
by Anne Schuster, Prairie Conservation Specialist at Wolf Haven International
Ah, Fall – a time of pumpkins, spiced apple cider, fiery-colored autumn leaves and trick-or-treaters. But look at what’s blooming on our prairie right now. These beautiful plants typically flower in spring or early summer – not October.

Despite its name, the Early Blue Violet (Viola adunca) blooms after a rain, but October is a bit late for it.

Goldenrod (Solidago sp.) is a great late season nectar source for insects, but October is late for it as well.

Kinnikinnick (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) usually blooms in spring, has flowers all around the prairie right now.

Elegant Lupine (Lupinus lepidus) often blooms all through the summer, but this one is finishing up now.