Membership & Sponsorship Program Changes

As part of our commitment to uphold the latest in wolf conservation science and to better align ourselves with our values, we are making important changes to both the membership and symbolic adoption programs at Wolf Haven, and we are eager to begin sharing them with you in August 2024.
Membership Update: In the spirit of promoting accurate and respectful terminology, we are changing the names of our membership levels. Previously named after traditional wolf pack roles such as “alpha,” “beta,” and “lone wolf,” our new membership tiers will now be known as Friend, Advocate, and Protector. The Lifetime membership level will remain unchanged.
These adjustments reflect a shift in understanding within the scientific community, where wolf packs are now commonly referred to as family groups. By adopting these new terms, we aim to promote a more inclusive and accurate representation of wolf behavior and social dynamics while also reflecting your role and active support in wolf conservation.
Symbolic Adoption Update: To provide clarity and prevent any misconceptions, we are renaming our symbolic adoption program to “Sponsor a Wolf.” This change is intended to eliminate any confusion that Wolf Haven’s animals are available for private purchase or ownership. We staunchly oppose the private ownership of wolves and wolfdogs, as it contributes to the detrimental black market pet trade.
Your continued support and advocacy play a vital role in enabling us to provide lifelong sanctuary for wolves in need and teach the public about the importance of wild wolves in our ecosystems. Together, we strive to foster a deeper understanding and respect for these animals.
We thank you for standing with us on this journey. If you have any questions or would like more information about these changes, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Still Have Questions?
What changes for members?
- Current members will retain their current benefits until their next renewal, at which time the new membership levels and benefits will go into effect. Please review the new membership level names and benefits to prepare for your future renewals.
What is changing for symbolic adoptions and sponsorships?
- Symbolic Adoptions and Sponsorships are being combined into a program that will be renamed “Sponsor a Wolf.” Please refer to the note above from our Development Director to learn more on why this decision was made.
- Sponsor a Wolf benefits now include a larger photo of your sponsored animal, a bi-annual update about your animal, and our current issue of Wolf Tracks in addition to the benefits you are used to receiving (certificate, animal biography, etc).
- Sponsorships do not include annual subscriptions to Wolf Tracks, but you can add on a discounted Friend Membership to receive the quarterly magazine.
- If you purchase your sponsorship online, you will have the option to add-on a wolf stuffed animal at a discounted rate!
- Classroom adoptions are no longer available and the Sponsor a Wolf program will be encouraged in its place.
What changes for donors?
- As of August 1, any one-time charitable donation of $50 or more to Wolf Haven International will make you a member.
- To opt-out of your member benefits, please send an email to As a member, you have an option to receive the Wolf Tracks magazines in paper, electronic format or not at all. Please let us know your preference!
What about monthly donors?
- Monthly donors will become members once their accumulated donations reach $50.
- To opt-out of your member benefits, please send an email to As a member, you have an option to receive the Wolf Tracks magazines in paper, electronic format or not at all. Please let us know your preference!
When do these changes take effect?
- These new changes will go into effect on August 1, 2024.
Who do I contact for further information or questions?
- Please contact Wolf Haven’s Membership Coordinator at or 360.264.4695 x227.