Coyotes of Capistrano – DP (Dana Point) Times

Skie Bender shows skull models to interested youth.
Generally speaking, human confrontations with wolves are pretty rare in an urban environment because wolves live in forested habitats and retain a fear of humans, whereas coyotes have learned to survive close to humans because we provide them with a food source – whether intentionally or unintentionally.
by Skie Bender, Education Outreach California, Wolf Haven International
Skulls Photos Credit: Kristin Olivarez
How exhilarating and simultaneously challenging it is to capture the attention of an audience that ranges in age from small children to adults.
First, I connect with the squirmy youngsters that are seated on the floor. I must immediately encapsulate these spirited fresh minds, or else the single file focus of the room will rapidly dissipate.
I begin by asking the children,
Who has a dog?
Who has seen a coyote at their home, school or park?
Has anybody seen a wolf?
I click the laser remote to the first slide, which is always a video of wolves that fills the entire screen, so everyone is instantly awed by the up close and personal beauty and majesty of these apex canids.
The Wolves, Coyotes and Dogs Education Program contains a plethora of pictures and videos. If a picture is worth 1000 words, than showing these striking images as I speak of biological, sociological and ethological facts about canids greatly enhances the learning process.

Using sight and sound to capture attention
How does one talk about all this to a five year-old child?
By showing, not telling.
On the topic of ethology I show the children through body language that we too are human animals. For example, I ask them;
Who plays sports?
What do you play…soccer…okay…when you score a goal…
what do you do, how do you act?
The kids proceed to show me how they raise their arms above their head in a winning cheer, with a big smile on their face, their eyes are wide and staring confident and direct at me.
And if you are sad, show me what you look like?
The children curl inward and look down with a frown.
I now shift focus back to the videos.
Skie shows skull models to young people
Let’s watch the wolves’ body language and see if we can interpret what they are saying!
While the children intently study videos of Wolf Haven’s wolves playfully jaw wrestling, play bowing, tail wagging, tail up, tail tucked, growling over a piece of food, scent rolling, howling, and splashing excitedly in their tubs, I engage the adults in the audience by interjecting scientific information.
In this collaborative participatory style of communication we proceed to learn about the differences and similarities between wolves, dogs and coyotes, the family pack, pup development, endangered wolves, the important roles that wolves and coyotes serve in an ecosystem, urban coexistence with coyotes, canid communication (which includes body, vocal and scent expression), and of course what they eat in the wild and what we feed our animals at Wolf Haven. We conclude the program with a video of a wolf crunching down on a favorite summer treat – a tuna popsicle!
Now I invite everyone to come up and examine the skulls, antlers and tracks.
Please, touch touch touch! And ask ask ask!
I love answering questions!
The program is not over until I am back in my car driving away. My intent never wanes. I hope to have connected with new people. I hope to have left a lasting lifelong impression, not only for reverence of wolves, coyotes and dogs, not only for wildlife, but for life itself!
Volunteer of the Quarter – Rosina Newton
By Dan Monn, Animal Care, Gift Shop and Volunteer Assistant
Wolf Haven International
Rosina Newton started volunteering at Wolf Haven International almost four years ago, and she has been enriching guests’ experiences ever since. If you aren’t sure if you’ve been on one of her sanctuary visits, you may remember her trademark wolf ears and tail and bright personality. Rosina is a guide on both sanctuary and prairie visits, and also helps with our school groups. When Rosina is guiding our public visits, she goes above and beyond. She will take a group of guests into the wolf sanctuary for the 50-minute visit, and then lead any interested parties out to the prairie, returning just in time to take the next group into the sanctuary. Her dedication and passion shine through every visit she leads.
Originally from Seattle, Rosina’s first introduction to Wolf Haven happened when she saw a presentation at the Edmonds Library as a child. Years later, her love of animals brought her to Yelm to be closer to her horses and lucky for us it brought her closer to Wolf Haven. Remembering that first introduction she scheduled a visit soon. On a hot afternoon Rosina was the only guest, and though she didn’t see any wolves, she said the guide did such a great job she was convinced to volunteer herself.
Now Rosina is the guide sticking it out in rough weather. In fact, one of her favorite visits was one that was nearly canceled. On Halloween a couple years ago, the last visit occurred during a nasty hail storm; still, a handful of hearty souls showed up. Rosina was more than happy to take the group in, and they were rewarded with a show. All the wolves were out, and some were even playfully jumping trying to catch the hail. Good weather, or bad, Rosina always gives our guests a rewarding experience.
New! Child-focused sanctuary visits – Nisqually Valley News

Child-focused sanctuary visit
Wolf Haven will begin offering child-focused sanctuary visits at 11:30 a.m. on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month in July and August.
Wolf Haven Acquires Montana Buffalo Wolf Nonprofit – The Daily Chronicle

Montana wolf
Tenino-based Wolf Haven International completed paperwork this week to absorb the McCleery Buffalo Wolf Foundation located in Bridger, Montana — along with its more than two-dozen wolves and 378 acres of land.
Tenino-based Wolf Haven Aquires Wolf Foundation in Montana – The Olympian

View of the property
Wolf Haven International has acquired the McCleery Buffalo Wolf Foundation in Montana, the Tenino-based nonprofit announced Tuesday.
The foundation is based in Bridger, Montana, which is south of Billings. It is home to 33 captive wolves, property and outbuildings.

Sanctuary director Wendy Spencer throwing chicken over fence
Wolf Haven Acquires McCleery Buffalo Wolf Foundation
Pet Connection magazine – July/Aug 2017
Wolf Haven by Diane Mivelli
Why they do it is unclear. When they do it is unpredictable. Once one resident at Wolf Haven International begins howling, the others soon join in. The singular occasion can last mere minutes, yet it will live on in the memory of any visitor.