What It’s Like to Work With Wolves (part 2 of a 5-part series)
Brennan Stoelb, Animal Care Specialist/Wolf Haven International
Working with Weather
The weather can make daily work life challenging. Since it is the Pacific Northwest, rain is not surprising, so be prepared to be wet. As I write this blog entry, my pants, flannel shirt, and undershirt are soaked from pressure-washing log feeders (carved logs that we put kibble in for our Species Survival animals, the red wolves and Mexican gray wolves).
The howling wind doesn’t help either. When the wind gets to blowing at 30 knots, Wolf Haven closes the sanctuary, not only for tours but for staff as well. We do this for a couple of reasons. First off, we have trees in enclosures and the limbs can break off and fall into enclosures or come flying towards an unsuspecting tour group. Secondly, blowing wind with swaying branches can be a source of stress for the wolves and we don’t want to add to a stressful situation. A tour can come back at another time. Whatever the task, it can wait.
This summer we also had some very hot weeks. As much as we like to bask in the sun when it’s around, we limit our time in the sanctuary during the heat spells. Just as during high winds, we don’t want to stress animals out and cause them to run. Running and heat don’t mix for humans, or animals. On an afternoon in the summer, it’s probably not the best time to see wolves anyway. They are lying in
the tall grass, under a shady branch, just as they should be.
Word of advice, come in the cool of the morning!
next up: Working “with” Other Creatures